Olet syntynyt ja kasvanut New Yorkissa, mutta asunut välillä myös Helsingissä. Näissä kahdessa kaupungissa on varmasti paljon eroja. Monesti sanotaan että New Yorkissa täytyy raivata tiensä eteenpäin ja jos ei nyt selviytyäkseen niin ainakin menestyäkseen. Onko todella näin? Ja miten koet että New York on kasvattanut ja opettanut sinua?
New York has been the most amazing life school. In New York everything can be amazing and almost terrible at the same time, when you are trying to make big things happen.You have to find your opportunities, and work really hard to be heard and to given a chance, however while you are taking those steps forward, you are learning, you are growing, your never just stuck. I've been through things that have helped me grow into a better artist, producer, director, stylist. I never thought I would do any of the crazy amazing things that I got to. The only thing I had when I arrived was music, now I feel that all my skills I've learned can applied to becoming a better artist. Going to Salvation Army on weekends helped me to become a stylist, which then lead to work, being on tight budget and short from my ridiculous rent in soho, helped me to explore ideas in production which then helped to create new concepts for different companies. All the bad lead to good. New York is not for the weak minded, but if you believe and you work hard, you will become the most incredible version of yourself, even though I feel its hard to get to where I want to be, I've become a better artist, the struggle makes you strong.
Ja viimeiseksi, elät ja hengität yhdessä maailman suosituimmista kaupungeista. Mitä vinkkejä antaisit sinne lomareissua suunnittelevalle? Mikä on juuri nyt IN?
Don't come for a week, you'll hate it. Stay in an apartment NOT a hotel, get your NYC vibe going. Go out and talk to people, they will lead you to your experiences, a conversation on the street in NYC can lead to amazing things. Experience beautiful food, my favorites are Blue Ribbon, Blue Ribbon Sushi, Public and Balthazars. People watch and dont be afraid to go shop at Salvation Army.
Kiitos haastattelusta Alexandra! Alexandran löydät instagramista nimellä alexalexgalaxy. (Jutussa esiintyvät kuvat ovat Alexandran Instagramista).
Lopuksi vielä kaikille hyvää Nycci-fiilistä Alexandran New York(I'm Yours) musavideon parissa. Videolla esiintyvät myös Benny Ninja ja Javier Ninja.
Ohessa myös Alexandran showreel
Blogini ensimmäisen vieraskasvon, Los Angelesissa asuvan meikkitaitelija Karoliina Kankaan haastattelun, voit lukea täältä.
Vieraskasvo-osio syntyi blogiini ajatuksesta, että tapaamme maailmalla varmasti paljon upeita, uusia tuttavuuksia ja ajattelin, että haluan jakaa heidän tarinansa ja mahdolliset heidän antamat kohdevinkit. Pääpaino tulee jutuissa olemaan suomalaisissa henkilöissä maailmalla.
Olet tullut tutuksi suurelle yleisölle alunperin Finnish-American ElectroPop artistina. Mitä musiikkirintamalle kuuluu tällä hetkellä?
I'm constantly figuring it out, its not easy to produce and create everything that goes through your mind as an artist. I see and hear everything that I want to record, I have amazing artistical concepts for music videos, but putting it all down the way you want to, without sacrificing artistic integrity is the biggest challenge. I dont want to compromise my vision for a record deal that doesn't make sense. Music is part of my life daily, and I will be sure to release an album.
Olet musiikin lisäksi monitaituri muun muassa taiteen ja muodin saralla. Ja olet lisäksi ohjannut sekä stailannut suomalaisille yrityksille mainosfilmejä. Onko sinulla uusia projekteja työn alla?
Yup As usual. I do about pitches and concepting for companies all the time, I just never know which idea will be picked up. I have to constantly do this, its part of my job. Right now I'm working on my website, developing a comedic tv show with Steep Daniels, and preparing to re-launch my blog in between all the other music and stuff.
Moni muistaa sinut myös Suomi-tytöt New Yorkissa tv-ohjelmasta ja pakkohan siitä on kysyä, että onko sarjalle mahdollisesti tulossa jatkoa?
No, I think people (networks) wanted to see more action, drama, in order to sign on to another season, and I was never going to do something, that didn't represent who I was. I'm happy with having this season, and something that represented that time in my life. However it is re-running currently on LIV.
Voisitko kuvitella asuvasi muualla Yhdysvalloissa kuin New Yorkissa? Tai muualla maailmassa?
I've been spending a lot of time in Toronto, I could see myself living in Tokyo at some point. I'm a citizen of the world, and I would be perfectly happy living in a few different places through the year.
I'm constantly figuring it out, its not easy to produce and create everything that goes through your mind as an artist. I see and hear everything that I want to record, I have amazing artistical concepts for music videos, but putting it all down the way you want to, without sacrificing artistic integrity is the biggest challenge. I dont want to compromise my vision for a record deal that doesn't make sense. Music is part of my life daily, and I will be sure to release an album.
Olet musiikin lisäksi monitaituri muun muassa taiteen ja muodin saralla. Ja olet lisäksi ohjannut sekä stailannut suomalaisille yrityksille mainosfilmejä. Onko sinulla uusia projekteja työn alla?
Yup As usual. I do about pitches and concepting for companies all the time, I just never know which idea will be picked up. I have to constantly do this, its part of my job. Right now I'm working on my website, developing a comedic tv show with Steep Daniels, and preparing to re-launch my blog in between all the other music and stuff.
Moni muistaa sinut myös Suomi-tytöt New Yorkissa tv-ohjelmasta ja pakkohan siitä on kysyä, että onko sarjalle mahdollisesti tulossa jatkoa?
No, I think people (networks) wanted to see more action, drama, in order to sign on to another season, and I was never going to do something, that didn't represent who I was. I'm happy with having this season, and something that represented that time in my life. However it is re-running currently on LIV.
Voisitko kuvitella asuvasi muualla Yhdysvalloissa kuin New Yorkissa? Tai muualla maailmassa?
I've been spending a lot of time in Toronto, I could see myself living in Tokyo at some point. I'm a citizen of the world, and I would be perfectly happy living in a few different places through the year.
Missä näet itsesi viiden vuoden kuluttua?
Its such a hard question to answer because half the things I did this year I could never have imagined doing. I never thought I'd direct commercials for Kookenkä and Anttila. I think in 5 years I'll be doing music, styling, still directing and producing and probably consulting companies. I've never been able to just do one thing, I need to keep things interesting for myself.
Its such a hard question to answer because half the things I did this year I could never have imagined doing. I never thought I'd direct commercials for Kookenkä and Anttila. I think in 5 years I'll be doing music, styling, still directing and producing and probably consulting companies. I've never been able to just do one thing, I need to keep things interesting for myself.
Ja viimeiseksi, elät ja hengität yhdessä maailman suosituimmista kaupungeista. Mitä vinkkejä antaisit sinne lomareissua suunnittelevalle? Mikä on juuri nyt IN?
Don't come for a week, you'll hate it. Stay in an apartment NOT a hotel, get your NYC vibe going. Go out and talk to people, they will lead you to your experiences, a conversation on the street in NYC can lead to amazing things. Experience beautiful food, my favorites are Blue Ribbon, Blue Ribbon Sushi, Public and Balthazars. People watch and dont be afraid to go shop at Salvation Army.
Kiitos haastattelusta Alexandra! Alexandran löydät instagramista nimellä alexalexgalaxy. (Jutussa esiintyvät kuvat ovat Alexandran Instagramista).
Lopuksi vielä kaikille hyvää Nycci-fiilistä Alexandran New York(I'm Yours) musavideon parissa. Videolla esiintyvät myös Benny Ninja ja Javier Ninja.
Ohessa myös Alexandran showreel
Blogini ensimmäisen vieraskasvon, Los Angelesissa asuvan meikkitaitelija Karoliina Kankaan haastattelun, voit lukea täältä.
Vieraskasvo-osio syntyi blogiini ajatuksesta, että tapaamme maailmalla varmasti paljon upeita, uusia tuttavuuksia ja ajattelin, että haluan jakaa heidän tarinansa ja mahdolliset heidän antamat kohdevinkit. Pääpaino tulee jutuissa olemaan suomalaisissa henkilöissä maailmalla.
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